


The Road by Adam Brown (2015-2016)
100 Lunches by Jack Sharkey and Leo Sears (2015-2016)
The Beams Were Creaking by Douglas Anderson (2014-2015)
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (2013-2014)
12 Angry Jurors by Sherman Sergel (2012-2013)
Big Star in the Big Apple by Caleb Lee and Baylee Auer (2012-2013)
The Murder Room by Jack Sharkey (2011-2012)
Leaving Iowa by Tim Clue and Spike Manton (2010-2011)
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; adapted by Tim Kelly (2009-2010)
Fools by Neil Simon (2009-2010)
The Sloth by Cy Young (2008-2009)
Dead Air by Lee Mueller (2008-2009)
Harvey by Mary Chase (2008-2009)
Crossing Delancey by Sarah Sandler (2007-2008)
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie (2007-2008)
You Can't Take It With You by George Kauffman (2006-2007)
Arsenic and Old Lace by Joseph Kesselring (2006-2007)
Dirty Work at the Crossroads by Bill Johnson (2005-2006)
The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie (2005-2006)
Afraid of the Dark by James Reach (2004-2005)