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Q1:  What's the chaperone situation? 

If we have a mixed group we will have at least one male and one female chaperone.  There will be at least one Berean staff member in each group.  We will enlist parents as needed.  Preference is given to medical personnel where the number of parents is limited.  If a parent would like to travel with the student group, please email the group leader after the student is enrolled.  PARENTS, PLEASE DO NOT ENROLL WITHOUT THE OK OF THE GROUP LEADER.  WE WANT TO MAKE SURE EVERY STUDENT HAS AN OPPORTUNITY TO ENROLL FIRST.  Many travel experiences have a maximum number of participants. PA


Q2:  When do I have to choose a travel or week long experience?  

Because of the high demand for travel we need commitments by May 19 at the latest.  The travel companies we work with offer incentives for early sign up as well.


Q3:  What are the options if my student does not choose a travel experience?

We will have some weeklong daytime experiences such as a Baking and Operation Backyard as well as a variety of one day experiences available.


Q4:  What do I do if we have special circumstances to discuss before signing up?  

Please email as soon as possible


Q5:  What if my student chooses not to participate?  

First of all, we are trying to offer a variety of experiences that will appeal to all, so we hope this will not be the  case.  If a student does not participate with the community he/she will be required to do 25 hours of pre-approved community service.  If a student does not complete that before the end of April, then on the transcript will be seen "IMPACT - failed" instead of "IMPACT - passed".  It will NOT affect the grade point average, but it will indicate he/she failed a pass/fail class.


Q6:  What if my student does not complete and turn in the survey required for IMPACT?  

The survey is part of the IMPACT experience.  It MUST BE completed and submitted by the end of April to pass the course.


Q7:  Is BCS helping with any of the costs?  

Yes.  Even the "free" options have costs associated with them that we are absorbing.  No IMPACT is completely family funded.


Q8:  When is payment due?  

Daytime Variety Experiences : When we have the minimum number of participants required  you will be invoiced through


Most overnight out of state and out of the country trips:

You will pay the travel company directly.  Please follow their payment guidelines. If your trip does not use a travel agency then you will be billed through  Payments to confirm enrollment and due dates vary by experience.  The invoice will have that information.  


If unexpected costs not covered by insurance arise due to flight or travel issues, the parents will be informed of the additional cost and given time to pay through MSB before April 30.






Berean Christian School






PHONE    (865) 521.6054

FAX.      (888) 788.1465

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To schedule your personal tour of the campus contact
Rachel McCarty
at 865-521-6054 ext.201 or

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